Q2. How would you rate the quality
51% of participant rated EXCELLENT
47% of participants rated GOOD
2 of participants rated SATISFACTORY
Q3. Do you believe you benefited from the program
100% of all participant voted YES
Q4. How did you benefit
20% of participants voted because they got a free sewing machine
10% of participants voted because they got free transport, food, e.t.c
55% of participants voted because they became professional tailors and developed essential skills
12% of participants voted because they can train other girls
33% of participants voted because the program was short
20% of participants voted because they are getting more money and have a steady income
Q5. How can the vocational program be improved?
65% of participants voted with a permanent centre
53% of participants voted with solar power(night shifts)
2% of participants voted with a food place
10% of participants voted with an electric sewing machine
Q6. How can the American University Of Nigeria (AUN) programme be improved
24% of participants voted for students select their own courses
31% of participants voted for a permanent centre for short courses
35% of participants voted for hand skills brought into programs
8% of participants voted for therapy and counselling
Q7. How was your experience of the tailoring vocational course compared to teaching at the America University of Nigeria academic program?
100% of participants voted for BETTER
Q8. Have you been able to sell any items of clothing?
100% of participants voted for YES
How many?
21% of participants stated 1-10 items
6% of participants stated up to 20 items per week
6% of participants stated up to 50 items per week
67% of participants stated ‘so many’
Q9. What types of training and help do you recommend women who escaped captivity should get from the government and authorities?
33% of participants voted for trading and farming system
22% of participants voted for loans
8% of participants voted for special attention
37% of participants voted for a better building
2% of participants voted for they get to choose their course
16% of participants voted for solar light
Q10. What programs do you think would help young ladies from Chibok?
20% of participants voted that tailoring is fine
20% of participants voted for trading
47% of participants voted for modern farming
22% of participants voted for business and computer skills
6% of participants voted for personal hygiene